About Us

I am a 30 year old electrical engineer. I travel all over the world supporting my companies products. Sometimes this consists of a week in Saudi Arabia or four months in Newburgh, New York.  I am well on my way to FI. I have always had an interest in money and finance. My passion for finance and numbers evolved into pursuing FI over time. I am now very close to being FI if I were to get extreme with my cost cutting (and move to the mountains). I hope to be able to hit my “Baller Mode” by the time I am 40. I am happily married and have 2 children. My daughter is 5 and my son is 3. We live south of Denver, Colorado.

I am a 27 year old mom with a nursing degree. Currently I stay at home with my 10 month old son. I like routine and stability, but I have always been a big spender. I have never had an issue with swiping the card or clicking purchase. I just discovered the meaning of F.I and have a long way to go. I am happily married and my husband supports our new financial journey. We also live south of Denver, Colorado exactly 4 minutes and 2 stop lights away from my brother and his family.


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