Library Story Time - Sis

My son and I love going to the library for story time. It is Monday- Friday for 45 min each morning at our local library. It also has open playtime for about 45 min after for socialization.

My son enjoys interacting with all the other children. He is learning to sit and listen by mimicking the older children. He is learning songs and playing games. All for free. How could you ask for more?

I have started to talk to other moms. I am naturally shy but seeing similar faces the past few months has made me more comfortable. So basically it’s a win, win for the both of us.

We recently took a 8 hour road trip to Mimi’s house. The library has age appropriate learning iPads you can rent for 3 week! My son loved playing with it the car and I did not have to worry he as clicking on things he was not suppose to.

Our library also has a recording studio you can book time in and plenty of various sized meeting rooms. I am sure there are even more things I myself don’t even know about.

It is amazing the activities and groups you can find for free in your community. The library is one of the gems. Use it to your advantage! Go to story time, rent a book, or even a movie before you go to a Redbox. Your local library is a great resource for living financially smart.


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