Farmers Market Family Fun - Sis

It’s SUMMER time everyone! The sun is shining and people are starting to come out of their homes to enjoy the weather. There are so many events going on that are free and family friendly. One of my favorites is the farmers market on Sundays. We like to go after church when it's still early morning. We find its less hot and less crowded.

We pack something light for a breakfast, and something to drink. This helps us not buy any of the yummy food at the multiple stands. My rule of thumb is if you want something, you have to wait till the next week to get it. We don’t go every week so if I really want something and have been thinking about it that long then I know its worth the purchase. I also like to support local merchants from time to time.

There is also a local produce merchant that sells “fill the bag” for $10. It’s a great deal because you can sure fit a lot in one of those bags. The produce is fresh and local.

The park is about a block away from the farmers market so we tend to make a deal with our 2 year old. We get to walk around first then he gets to play at the park for a while, making it a win-win for everyone.

This Sunday tradition is one our family enjoys. It is a great way to spend time together and enjoy a local farmers market. There are so many different activities available in each community, you just have to keep your eyes open and be willing to go on an adventure every once and while.


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