5 Ways To Prevent Financial Savings Burnout - Sis

Starting something new is exciting. It’s easy to get lost in taking action and seeing quick results. What happens when you start feeling burnt out? You can get tired of being a saver, not spending on perceived desires or always thinking about the monetary cost behind things. It can be very hard to stay the course. Other things like lack of family support or family fatigue can make a person feel burnt out. Some simple actions can help prevent burn out and get us through these times of struggle.

1) Set intermediate levels of goals

My husband is a list man. Every weekend he creates a chore list and gets satisfaction of crossing off his accomplishments. Then at the end of the weekend, he can judge his weekend by what is left of the list or that he was able to complete on it. You may set a savings rate goal, or 10 year plan but those things take time and several steps. Make sure you celebrate small wins as well. Write things down as well so you can see what you have accomplished. This also gives you something to show a partner as well to make sure you are on the same page. Celebrate all wins.

2) Check in with yourself 

Make sure you check in frequently with your inner-self. Burnout can often be prevented if you look for signs of fatigue. One sign is obsessing over money. Do you always think about your money or even feel guilty when you spend $10? Has your quality of life decreased dramatically? Are you living for your future and not in the present? If you answer yes to all or some of these questions then you need to adjust something in your life. Your present happiness is just as important as your future.

3) Establish a support system

Financial sacrifices can often feel isolating. If all your friends are going out for dinner and drinks but you don’t want to spend the money you can often spend the night alone, lonely and angry. It is important to find others that support your goals. You can offer alternative plans such as having everyone over instead of going out to dinner, or playing games at a park and packing a picnic.. The most important person to check in with is your partner. You can’t isolate yourself. We naturally desire connections and relationships.

4) Change Your Inner Self Talk

We all have conversations with ourselves in our head. I might sound crazy but the inner voice is always talking. Listen to what it is saying. If it is always negative, being critical, or over analyzing everything then the conversation needs to change. I naturally have a positive inner voice, but even if you don’t, practice improving your inner conversation. Come up with positive affirmations or recite a quote that inspires you. When your inner voice is criticizing a situation force yourself to come up with 3 positives. Your inner voice can talk to you and try to control your mood but there is nothing saying you can’t talk right back.

5) Have other things to focus on as well

Don’t make money your everything. Don’t work all day for the paycheck, come home, look at your spending, and then try and make more cuts everyday. For example, some people also like food and fitness. Make yourself a nice dinner, focing on the different ingredients and the flavors. Go for a walk or run outside or do a free online workout video. Make these part of a daily routine and give yourself a break from thinking about money. Balance is key.

Burnout can often lead to failure. It is key to lead a balanced life. Listen to yourself and look for the signs of burnout. Make changes and establish routine that promote happiness and balance. Find support systems and people with similar attributes. We are all going to go through hardships but it is how you come out of it in the end that defines us.


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