You don’t have to walk alone - Sis

Finding a support system is important in anyone's life. Find others that share in your goals and also acknowledge your failures. Life is not meant to go through alone. The fact that you are reading this shows that it is natural to seek someone that shares common goals.

I am not a naturally frugal person. I want to spend. I want to have stuff. However, with support from the other people in my life, I realized that the average consumer lifestyle was not getting me where I wanted to go. I realized I needed to simplify my life. I needed to remove all the stuff and the temptation to get more stuff and focus on the person I wanted to be and the relationships I have.

My husband does not care if I have a purple purse because it is the color of the season. Not buying that $300 purse means my husband can retire a week earlier in 15 years. My niece does not need a new bike from her aunt for her birthday; she would rather share in a dance and make up a new handshake. This is not only a change in lifestyle, but a change in the way you think. You don’t have to do this alone. Seek for small wins and support from your different support systems, like a brother, best friend or favorite blog.

I would have never found this life it weren't for my brother. But now every purchase I make I think, what would he think? Yes, it stinks because if he saw me with my new purple purse he would for sure ask how much that bad boy cost but that keeps me accountable. That has true value. It is important to find people that agree with your lifestyle choices. It would not be a frugal blog if I did not mention the Jones at last once. You can’t keep up with them. Why not find the Smith family what has similar goals. Then when you want to do a potluck instead of visiting the new local pub you both will be on the same page.

My parents are the strongest role models in my life. They have both worked very hard and lead a successful life. They have worked together as a team to achieve their goals. They support my journey and also answer my countless questions. Having an open relationship with them where I can ask anything has brought great value into my life. Their support carries me a long way.

There are so many resources and support systems out there for frugal living. You can do this. I really mean that. If I can, then I have confidence you will be able to find a way as well. You don’t have to do this alone.


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