ESI Money - Bro
One of my favorite blogs is called ESI Money . ESI’s (the author's pen name) main point is that there are really 3 main factors in getting wealthy; E arning, S aving, and I nvesting. As part of this he has a scale to judge how well a person is doing in each category. As a tip of the hat to ESI I figured I would examine each area of my finances and see how well I am doing. As with all things there are areas to improve as well. Earnings: Excellent I am very blessed in this area. I found something I really like to do. I have worked very hard at it and have learned a lot. Due to this I have become valuable to the company I work for and they compensate me for it. I am easily in the top 10% of all earners in the US in spite of my fairly young age. My income has risen very fast but I don’t see it going up a ton more. In addition my income is not very predictable. So far it has been fairly stable but the industry I work in is very much boom or bust. I don’t see any major ...