How I Started My Financial Journey - Bro
We are all defined by our past. For me my relationship with money is most deeply defined by the experiences I had and the lessons I learned growing up. My parents were divorced when I was only 5 or so. From that point on money was very tight. One rental home my mom lived in we called the spider infested pit. Another rental home was near the train tracks so every so often you could hear the train whistles rather loudly (cool during the day, not so cool at night). We never hurt for money to the extent that the lights would go out due to a missed bill or anything but we had many a christmas where my mom gave us fancy boxes of cereal (the one time of year we were not eating store brand) and cans of mandarin oranges. My mom then met my step-dad and together they moved up the socioeconomic ladder at a rather quick pace. Despite the quick improvements I can still recall the anxiety and stress of growing up just a bit better off than poor. On my father's side of things lif...